Accept Payments Online and donations with our WordPress Paypal Payment plugin

Online payment gateways are not easy to integrate with. This WordPress Paypal plugin makes it very easy to accept payments online on our WordPress website.

Our highly customizable plugin / shortcode enables you to accept Paypal Donations and Payments quickly and easily with no programming knowledge. You can also use it to accept payments online using Paypal as your online payment gateway. 

For more plugins like this one, visit:

paypal wordpress plugin


The module offers the following features:

  • Logo or Text: Allows you to decide whether to display a Paypal logo Image or your own text 
  • Paypal Email Address - this is the customizable Paypal email address of the account to send payments to
  • Paypal Organisation -  Name of Organization to send money to, this will get shown in the Paypal page before a person makes a payment
  • Currency On/Off - this allows or disables a user-selectable Currency for Payment (if you want to) so that your users to select their preferred currency (or allow the default currency only if this is off)
  • Value Textbox - Fixed value or user-entered monetary value, with the smallest amount of payment possible - if you are allowing donations, you can leave this blank, so that anybody can put in their preferred amount.
  • Smallest Paypal Amount - You can also set the least payment, for example, not less than $5
  • Default currency - if you are in a country and want to accept only currencies from that country, you can set a default currency
  • Button Text - Choice of text for Submit button e.g. Donate, Pay Now, etc. - you can customise the text of the button that activates the payment or donation
  • Success URL - Return address (URL) when payment is complete - you can use a thank you page or go back to the page where the donation or payment was made.
  • Cancel URL - Cancel address (URL) in case payment is cancelled.
  • Locale - the default Paypal locale

Why use a WordPress Paypal plugin?

With our WordPress Paypal plugin, you don't need to create a widget, or have to copy and paste any HTML from Paypal to your website. 

Because this plugin can be used as a shortcode, you won't have any problem of HTML code getting removed by the WordPress editor, its just a question of adding a shortcode and then adjusting the parameters to get the configuration you need. 

Download (Free)

Download here! or from

If you like the plugin, please take a moment to write a small review for us, share this page vote for us, or link to us! 

The module should be very simple to use, however, if you find any problem while using it, please drop a line in the comments below. We will try our best to support you.

If you like it and used it, please do leave a comment with a link to your site, it would be good to know that other people have found it useful.


Wordpress Paypal Payment Donate plugin




To install the module, simply go to (Plugins > Add New> Upload Plugin), choose the file you have downloaded above and click on the upload and install button.


Configuration - Paypal payment / donation button for WordPress

The configuration of the module is done via the Paypal logo in the Editor. Click on the Paypal logo, and you will see a screenshot similar to the one below:

Wordpress plugin options

Activating Auto-Return

To support the Return URL parameter, you'll need to activate the Auto-Return function in your Paypal profile.


Please post to the comments if you need help in configuring the module.

Wrapping Up

There are many use-cases why you would need to have a WordPress Paypal plugin such as for donations and simple payments. This plugin here allows you to get started with such payments in literally just a few minutes.

Let us know what you think of this in the comments below.